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While you were setting your room straight you found old ratty box re-rolled with a sticky tape and discovered that it was your non-working or broken computer. It was lying there from a long time, unnecessary and forgotten and covered with the dust.
And now you have no idea what to do with it. It doesn’t power on because the coffee was spilt on it, or it fell down from yourtable, or it was overheated. Workers from the Product Support Service said that there was no chance to bring it to live and recommended you to utilize it.
You, being practical or even sentimental, decided to leave it at home, because once it would be of service to you or someone. That special time has come right now .We welcome you here and are glad that you have visited our online website
Your Non-working computer comes useful to us. Our company is specified on buying old, used and non-working out-of-use, clapped-out computers and other gadgets. is one of the best online resources with highest quotes for anyone who wants to sell their
non-working computer quickly online. We work on developing special services for our customers. As well as we need to stay “green” to give a new life-cycle to the old e-devices,
so our business is built on these hard rules. And we pay decent cash money for every device you want to sell unless it is very old and needs to be recycled.

All across Mumbai
